Business Write-offs

A guest post by accountant, bassoonist, and piano teacher, Tairsa Mathews This is my favorite topic! When you buy things for your business, you get to write them off!!  This means every time you purchase music, every time you service your instrument, when you buy rewards/prizes for your students, etc., you can write them off […]

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How to Write a Studio Policy

A studio policy is essential. It sets expectations for both you and your students. It acts as an authority you can reference when conflict arises between you and a student/parent. It can protect you in certain legal matters. And most importantly, it helps you the teacher decide how you really want your studio to run. […]

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Bartering and the Bassoon Teacher

Bartering is a common and accepted way for you to receive compensation for teaching lessons. It’s so mainstream that even the IRS provides a space for you to report bartering transactions on your taxes. So how do you know if a bartering arrangement is right for you? Figure out what your needs really are Don’t […]

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How to Plan a Recital

Recitals are a lot of work, I admit. But they are necessary if we hope to train future performers. A violinist friend of mine has written a very helpful post about planning a recital. Check out her website for the full rundown and even a free downloadable recital planning checklist. Her post covers finding a venue, hiring […]

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